Sunday, August 13, 2017

I Need Sample Resumes - I Can't Get a Job Interview


Many people find themselves out of work in the struggling economy. Sooner or later they say to themselves, "I need sample resumes. I can't get a job interview."
Truth is, a sample professional resume might be helpful. A careful search can find quality examples that are widely available on the web, but just plugging your information into a template won't get you the results you seek. More specific assistance is needed.
Here are some suggestions to help you get interviews.
First, put together all the information you can about your work experience. Include your duties, skills, accomplishments and achievements.
Here's a simple format to follow. Begin by listing every job you've held, leaving plenty of space between them. If you held different positions at the same company, make a separate listing for each.
Now under each position, list separately the duties, skills, accomplishments and achievements.
For example, if you were a manager, one of your duties might have been to supervise your team. The skill might be leadership or organization. An accomplishment might be the completion of a major project that helped a client. An achievement might be an honor or recognition you received from your company.
Second, rearrange your resume so you can call attention to those areas that highlight the positive aspects of your career. Notice those items on your list that show how you will help a potential employer.
Resumes are often how you are introduced to those making the hiring decisions. You want them to see your best side. Make sure it's not buried three fourths of the way down the page.
Third, adjust your resume so that your skills, accomplishments and achievements match the requirements of the position you seek. Be specific.
If a job description lists the need for organizational skills, mention prominently how you put in order a fragmented department you supervised. Describe how you did it and the positive results.
Details like that set your resume apart from the others in the stack. They can be key ingredients to landing a job.
These steps will make it less likely you'll ever have to say, "I need sample resumes. I can't get a job interview."
Research shows that it takes the average person more than 200 days to find a new job. Discover how you can be hired in a fraction of that time... without settling for a position you'll hate.
Stephen DeVane has more than two decades of writing experience. He is a veteran resume builder, having worked at more than 10 jobs and applied for many more.

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