By Lenny Keitel
In today's highly competitive and fierce job market, there is a marked propensity for job seekers to solicit the services of a professional resume writer to ensure they have an 'edge' to capably differentiate themselves from a multitude of other candidates in their job search. The job seeker invariably arrives at this decision after realizing that the creation of a 'persuasive and engaging resume' can prove quite a formidable and daunting challenge.
Upon culmination and delivery of a re-crafted, compelling resume to the client, two distinct responses are generally triggered ranging from - 'ecstatic' to 'disbelief''. These contradictory behavioral reactions are not unusual.
Relevance of a 'Positive' Mindset
The 'ecstatic' client is invariably elated and highly enthusiastic; elevated to a euphoric state based upon the positive and dramatic transformation that has evolved since submitting their original resume. Their new resume has substantially reinforced their self-confidence, motivating them to optimistically and passionately market themselves for emerging interview opportunities and career challenges.
By contrast, an opposing comment expressed by the client mired in 'disbelief' invariably is - "Is this really me"? For a job seeker with a confidence or self-esteem issue, this is not an uncharacteristic comment. This startling and disarming reaction is typically induced by the vast disparity between 'mediocrity' and a new, inspiring resume which now reveals the candidate's stellar attributes and true potential. Unfortunately, the dramatic transformation from an archaic, mediocre resume, to a superbly crafted and motivating resume, has fueled a myriad of emotions which include - uncertainty, apprehension, and a sense of fear.
An Impressive Resume - 'Raises the Bar'
Whether if by oversight or simple humility, it's not uncommon for the job seeker to typically underestimate their actual abilities, career achievements, and expertise. After an extensive 'discovery phase', their new resume reflects a superior caliber of candidate; distinguished with an enlightened illumination - in startling contrast to their original resume. The revelations incorporated in a compelling new resume dictate that the job seeker has the leverage and potential to capably compete on a higher plane.
There is however, a direct correlation between the confidence level of the job seeker and how well they progress during a job interview. The 'bar has been raised', and consequently, so will expectations from corporate recruiters and interviewers. A new resume propels the job seeker out of the past and into the portals of a new decade, confronted with new technologies, economic challenges, and highly selective and discriminating corporate recruiters.
For the job seeker with a 'positive attitude', armed with their new resume, they are inclined to quickly rise to the corporate challenge and effectively exude an elevated level of self-confidence and versatility. They value being part of a new team and positively influence the corporate recruiter and other team members with their enthusiasm and passion for success.
For the job seeker lacking confidence and 'self-esteem', although armed with an impeccable, compelling resume, the thought of the job search and interview is often perceived as a source of intimidation and approached with trepidation. This 'transformative phase' represents a radical departure from their 'comfort zone'; being thrust into a highly dynamic and stressful job search environment. Unfortunately, the discerning recruiter is able to quickly ascertain the disparity between a captivating resume and a candidate incapable of 'selling' themselves and articulating their 'values' to a successful organization.
Addressing a Self-Confidence Issue
If lacking self-confidence is an issue, regardless of an impressive resume, it's difficult to transition into 'sales mode' and be successful when wrought with uncertainty, fear, and apprehension. The inability to take any action or make constructive decisions becomes overwhelming. Fortunately, for many job seekers, a longer adjustment period may be all that is needed to grasp reality and allow 'self-preservation' to help establish traction.
For other candidates, overcoming this hurdle typically requires more than an inspiring resume to restore their self-confidence and gain market traction. The good news, is that there are a multitude of career, self-image and out-placement resources (municipal and private), available to address issues relating to one's self-confidence level and job search management. Often times, a catalyst is all that is needed to motivate the job seeker to embrace change, take control of their life, and propel them 'over the raised bar'.
According to former head football coach Lou Holtz - 'Life is ten percent what happens to you, and ninety percent how you respond to it!'
Lenny Keitel is a 29 year veteran with Fujitsu as a Director of Professional Services and Information Technology (IT). Mr. Keitel has extensive expertise in - employee staffing, strategic resource planning, employee career development and motivation, client education, web integration services, and forging new business alliances. He is a frequent guest columnist specializing in creative resume writing and effective interviewing techniques. Mr. Keitel has also appeared as an expert guest on 'talk radio'. Hudson Valley Resumes is a premier nationwide Resume Writing Service with a penchant for crafting compelling, visually appealing resumes. Exploiting our in-depth corporate background, we are experts in composing impressive resumes that lands interviews by differentiating and positioning our clients a 'cut-above' other candidates. Our clients directly benefit from our unique insight into complex internal corporate tactics and dynamic factors potentially impacting staffing selections. We are a sensible choice for job seekers looking for a superior level of personalized service to reduce the time, cost, and frustration with their job search.
Lenny Keitel Hudson Valley Resumes
info@hudsonvalleyresumes (email) (845) 782-6714 (phone/fax)
Lenny Keitel Hudson Valley Resumes
info@hudsonvalleyresumes (email) (845) 782-6714 (phone/fax)
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