Sunday, November 14, 2010

International Employment Opportunity Scams

International Employment Opportunity Scams
By Gina Alessia
People need to pack fish in Alaska! Earn up to $2000 per week! Contact us for more information..."
In current times it is increasingly more difficult to earn a decent living. Less people are afforded the opportunity of reasonable good employment. Many people are looking across country borders for the opportunity of making their fortune. Locally, these employment seekers are targeted on the Internet, in magazines and in newspapers. These communication media are filled with advertisements offering people the possibilities of international employment. Many people see these advertisements as once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and immediately reply to it without realising that in one years' time they will still have not found any work abroad, and have lost substantial amounts of money.
How these scams are committed
Many offenders often take the time to conduct Internet research and look for companies abroad offering employment to other nationals. They often compile a small booklet, list or guide with the names and contact information of these companies. Often they include information on companies, whether this company currently have available positions or not. Once compiled, offenders will promote international employment opportunities in newspapers or magazines. The instance they receive replies from interested clients, they will require a specified amount to be paid for more information on the employment opportunities. When the funds are received, the compiled guide will be sent to the client. The client will never hear from the company again and are left to do as he/she wish with the information.
Similar methods include fraudsters advertising and targeting niche markets, such as employment opportunities abroad for teachers, medical staff or even law enforcement. Victims will be requested to submit their CV's to a specified address. These offenders then compile fraudulent employment contracts and will inform clients that they were afforded the employment, but need to pay a certain amount before the employment contract is signed. Once they receive payment, they will provide the client with a contract, no more worth than the paper it is typed on. The victim will later realize that he/she had been scammed when they no longer can make contact with the company.
Protecting yourself against these types of scams
Always remember, in the majority of instances you will be paying for information guides or leaflets only. The information contained in the majority of these guides can be found on the Internet by simply doing simple search engine searches on international employment opportunities.
Always be sure to ask the company for what service you are paying for. Is it simply a service where your CV will be posted on the Internet or will they promote your CV physically to companies? Never pay for services where your CV is posted and/or promoted on the Internet, you can do this yourself at no costs at services such as If the company promote your CV physically to companies abroad, never make any payment as these companies in the majority of instances will receive a recurring income as long as your are employed by the company abroad. Be careful when upfront fees, deposits or service fees are requested!
Also take note that, no matter where you are going to be employed, you will require a passport and visa. Legitimate businesses often assist their clients in the process of applying for and obtaining passports and visas. Often the employer abroad will carry the expenses of the working visas. Always ensure to ask the company what the processes are in regards to work visas and passports.
Conduct research on the company abroad. It is recommended that you carry the expenses in contacting them and confirming the employment opportunities advertised in the newspaper. By doing this you will also ensure that the company you are about to be employed by is legitimate.
Job scams and employment scams
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Top Career Advice - More Choices and A Better Way of Life

By Roger Clark

Why Career Advice Is So Important

Choosing a career presents a nerve-racking decision, as it can have a life-long impact on you. Do not fret, as you can gain a clearer outlook into your future by thorough career planning.
Having a clear vision of the future can guide you by helping you set career goals and helping you on your way towards attaining them. Whether you are starting out on a new career or looking to change your current career, you will benefit enormously from taking sound advice.
Don't Spend Most of Your Life Doing ...
Chances are that you will be spending a great deal of time at your job, about 40 hours a week. Career advice and career profiling can guide you to a job that is enjoyable for you and matches your interests.

There are many reasons people change their careers and career advice can help them along the way. Some frequently cited reasons are:
· Stuck in a dead end job.
· Lost interest in current line of work.
· Gained a new interest in a different career option.
A Job For Life ... Not Anymore
In today's world, there is increased job rotation ... also with the down turns in the economy, many people can be laid-off. Good career advice for unemployed persons would be to consider a career change. Some of the fastest growing occupations are Medical Assistant, Network Systems Analyst, Physician Assistant, etc. Occupations that are struggling to gain workers can be a suitable option for currently unemployed individuals.

People often back off from changing careers if they are unsure of the effort it might take to start a new career and learn a new trade. If you are one of these people, career advice from professionals can help you make a knowledgeable decision.
How To Identify Your Career Choices
When choosing a new career field, career advice and career planning can help you figure out your career choices. When embarking on a new career, you need to take into account your previous education and work experience.
You should start thinking about the skills you currently possess and how they can be beneficial in each of the new career options available to you.

Have You Considered a Career Test?
Valuable career advice can come from career tests as they can help in identifying suitable job options. Career tests include tests such as personality profiling, leadership skills, motivation, management style, etc.
The results of such tests can give you the career advice that can direct you to a suitable career, by matching your interests with career options.
Many career tests are offered online. They may be free or available for a small fee. Many experts provide the career advice to employment seekers to take some time to plan their career and set their goals. Knowing your career goals can provide you with valuable guidance.
Remember that career planning and goal setting is an on-going process, changing as you continue on your career.

The web can be a great source to find valuable career advice. It can provide you with many resources to research new career choices and find out information on a particular career field such as average salary, work environment, job responsibilities, etc.

Use Resumes That Give You an Advantage
Whether you are starting a career, changing careers or looking for a different job in your present career, the best career advice is to have a great, eye-catching resume.
You may be thinking about using your old resume, maybe the one you made after graduating from college. However, you will have to make changes to that resume to make it relevant to your present situation.

Upgrade your resume with the additional skills and experiences you have acquired. People going through a career change, need to present the skills they have acquired through the years in a way that makes it relevant to the new career jobs for which they are applying.
You may not have all the standard education for that career, so you need to convince potential employers that your previous education and work experience have given you the skills that make you a suitable candidate to transition into that job.

Career planning involves gaining information that can ease your transition to a new career. This information can help get you out of your current dreary jobs and into a dynamic and interesting career.

Act Now... and Take Control of Your Career
It's never too late to think of making a career change... seek professional career advice and give yourself the best chance of achieving your career goals.
Roger Clark has an excellent selection of articles providing details on writing resume letters posted on his blog and if you want to find out where to get free resume writing software [], then this is an article you should not miss.

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